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BAD POWER giveaway

A bunch of BAD POWER review copies arrived today & in celebration I’m giving away a copy to the best answer to the question:

“If you had a superpower, what would it be – and why?”

Answers in the comments or via email deborahb AT livejournal DOT com. Competition open until the end of the week!

And if you prefer to buy your copies, BAD POWER is available via Twelfth Planet Press & several good bookstores.


“There are two kinds of people with lawyers on tap, Mr Grey. The powerful and the corrupt.”

“Thank you.”

“For implying you’re powerful?”

“For imagining those are two different groups.”

– “Shades of Grey”, BAD POWER


Esser Grey is a rich and powerful man who has discovered, despite the world’s attempts to soften its edges for him, that one power eludes him: he cannot die. He sets out to divert the unwanted miracle through suicide and, when that doesn’t work, through murder. Along the way he meets Detective Palmer, the first person not only to acknowledge his miracle, but also his humanity.



8 responses to “BAD POWER giveaway”

  1. Matthew Powell Avatar
    Matthew Powell

    I would like the power to write competition-winning entries just by blinking, because {blink}.


  2. Ahaha, brilliant! Fave answer so far. :)

  3. I have a very minor superpower – it is the ability to interview people and, while doing so, they are relaxed. It’s amazing the number of times an interviewee wants to take out this little bit or that little bit for various reasons…

    I always oblige. DMF is not about doing an expose, it’s about building community.

  4. Oooh, that’s an interesting one. You could be the next Andrew Denton… ;p

  5. I aspire to be the Andrew Denton of the SF/Fantasy/Art (including comics) world.

  6. Oh, wow, I aspire for you to achieve that, too. That would be a brilliant boon for our genre.

  7. I would like the power to end all the wars and hunger of the world. Well, it would be my Miss World or Miss Universe response ;)
    Actually, I am not sure if my answer is not a more selfish one and not worthy to be shared.

  8. I think the power to end all wars & hunger is rather marvellous. Selfish, I guess, because we’d all benefit? That’s a good kind of selfish to have. :)