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Category: Uncategorized

  • Continuum panel wrap: Writing diversely

    I was lucky enough to convene the Continuum panel on Writing Diverse Genders, Sexualities and Cultures with Trudi Canavan, Louise Cusack & Gillian Polack. Chatting to some audience members later in the bar, we agreed we probably needed something more like 4 hours than 1. So to cover off all the stuff we DIDN’T get…

  • Continuum schedule

    Like many of you, I’ll be at Continuum in Melbourne this week: Writing Different Genders, Sexualities And Cultures Friday 18:00 until Friday 19:00 (60 Minutes) Twelfth Planet Press Hour Friday 19:00 until Friday 20:00 (60 Minutes) I Don’t Get It! Friday 21:00 until Friday 22:00 (60 Minutes) Book Launch: Ishtar, edited by Amanda Pillar &…

  • Giveaway winners, and more giveaways!

    Aaaaaand, we’re back. Life, eh? Marvellous entries to the favourite fictional woman giveaway. Here are some of my favourite answers:   Liz Lemon from 30 ROCK. Nerdy and awkward and sometimes selfish, yet also attractive, determined (if sometimes misguided) and ultimately kind-hearted. And frequently laugh-out-loud funny. – Chris Barnes Jessica Atriedes (DUNE) for her poise,…

  • Another good reason for my AA giveaways

    One astute reader has pointed out to me that she’d like a free! PDF copy of my ISHTAR novella for purposes of research & review while she weighs up her Ditmar nomination list. If you, too, are looking for some reading while you ponder your Ditmar list, email me at rous AT deborahbiancotti.net for a PDF…

  • Reminder: AA giveaways

    Just a reminder that we have not one but TWO giveaways to celebrate the recent Aurealis Award shortlists. Winners of the AAs are announced on 12-May at North Sydney's Independent Theatre (tickets at the Aurealis Awards website). Give-away #1: If you’re interested in reading my AA-shortlisted novella – set in modern day Sydney, in present tense, as Detective…

  • Aurealis Awards & give-aways

    The Aurealis Award shortlists have been announced, & winners will be made public at a presentation on 12-May at North Sydney’s Independent Theatre. You can still get tickets to the event (catered – and with booze!) at the Aurealis Awards website. It was a record-breaking year for entries in most sections, I hear. It definitely was…

  • Writing news & advice

    This Tuesday, I’m tooting in Alan Baxter’s Tuesday Toots series, waxing lyrical about my book, BAD POWER, from Twelfth Planet Press. Last Tuesday, I was at Lisa L. Hannett’s blog doing some Tuesday Therapy. Tuesdays, eh? Pretty interesting days. Speaking of therapy, I’ve accidentally come across some brilliant advice lately, in one of those ‘synchronicity’…

  • Shirely Hazzard on Writing

    If only I could write every day. I look back to the far-off time when I did so, mostly early morning and then late in the day. I do write in my head every day–I’m tempted to say all the time. One does instinctively reserve a part of oneself as the writing self, visiting it secretly while…

  • And the BAD POWER winner is…

    Matthew Powell, for his answer to the question, “If you had a superpower, what would it be?”:   I would like the power to write competition-winning entries just by blinking, because {blink}. Damn. What? It’s funny! Also ironic, because he did win. See? Email me your address, Matthew, for a signed copy of BAD POWER.…

  • Final Reminder for the BAD POWER giveaway

    Last reminder! Win a copy of BAD POWER today by answering the question: “If you had a superpower, what would it be – and why?” Answers in the comments or via email deborahb AT livejournal DOT com. Competition closes in about 24 hours! But if you prefer to buy your copies, BAD POWER is available via…