How cool, A BOOK OF ENDINGS has made the shortlist for the 2010 William L. Crawford Award!
I’m assured the readers are ‘very picky’, so a heartfelt *hug* and congratulations to fellow short-listers, Kari Sperring (LIVING WITH GHOSTS), and Ali Shaw (THE GIRL WITH GLASS FEET — wow, I love this title) and an even bigger *hug* for Jedediah Berry. Not just for his passionate guitar-playing at the annual WFC cheese party. But also for winning the Crawford Award with his book, THE MANUAL OF DETECTION.
Been meaning to read THE MANUAL for a year — many rave reviews have been directed its way.
Many thanks to Gary K. Wolfe & the whole crew for taking the time to consider my book. Very cheered!
Plus: gotta love an award where the winner is announced at the same time as the shortlist-ees. Really takes the stress outta the thing when the race is run before you realise you’ve even been running. Thank-you, sophisticated Crawford-ites!