A surprise arrived in the post today: the Shirley Jackson Award administration sent me a commemorative token & a copy of the Shirley Jackson Award Ceremony programme.

The awards were handed out in July at ReaderCon, & Elizabeth Hand ably won the Novella section where my ISHTAR novella featured. The list of winners also includes Sheri Holman, Kelly Link, M. Rickert, Maureen McHugh, Jack Dann & Nick Gevers. Pretty fab list, no? And it’s awesome to see so many women honoured & so many ‘small presses’ included. I really like that about the Shirley Jacksons.
So I can’t tell you how touched & proud I was to receive this souvenir this morning. Not just because it’s such a tangible, *physical* object that has travelled all the way from Readercon. But also because I kinda collect stones. My grandmother collected shells, but I like the weight & seriousness of stone & rock & crystal.
And a big thank-you to Liza Trombi for agreeing to be my stand-in should I achieve the unlikely & actually win an award.
This is so going right onto my desk.
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