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Tag: writing process

  • Writing news & advice

    This Tuesday, I’m tooting in Alan Baxter’s Tuesday Toots series, waxing lyrical about my book, BAD POWER, from Twelfth Planet Press. Last Tuesday, I was at Lisa L. Hannett’s blog doing some Tuesday Therapy. Tuesdays, eh? Pretty interesting days. Speaking of therapy, I’ve accidentally come across some brilliant advice lately, in one of those ‘synchronicity’…

  • How to write 80,000 words in a month

    NANOWRIMO always sounded like such a fun idea, but I’m always too busy (& usually travelling) in November to take part. So for the last several years, January haws been my personal NANOWRIMO for one. My previous record was around 36,000 words in a month (NANOWRIMO aims for 50,000 words), so, I can’t claim to…

  • One day’s freedom: Dani Shapiro

    Dani Shapiro writes about freedom – both examples-from-life freedom and Freedom, the software product that lets you temporarily block internet access so you have the freedom to write: “I have a piercing nostalgia for the places in which I used to write. A small room on the top floor of an old building on the…

  • Writers across the wires

    I was pretty intrigued by this post from Mary Robinette Kowal’s re. using Google+ as a writers’ hangout. I love this idea. Plus, it’s the only interesting thing I’ve heard about Google+ so far. It also reminded me of two other stories I’ve heard recently of writers connecting, despite geography or other conflicting needs: 1. Maxine…

  • More woots!

    So here’s how it goes. You & a team of people (fabulous people!) put together a collection. You get to the end of the process & you think, “Fck, I’m tired.” That’s it, that’s all you think for a while. Then you get through that, a little, & you’re enjoying the relative quiet in your…

  • Editing & writing

    Some editors are failed writers — but so are most writers. — T.S. Eliot

  • Lines on the page, in the sand

    So. I’ve thinking about editing again. Or maybe still. And my thoughts have turned to ownership. Ownership’s a big deal for me, so I’m guessing it’s the same for a lot of writers. And though my experiences with editing have been mostly pretty darn positive, I’m gonna stretch this basket to include all feedback. Feedback…

  • Directing traffic

    wen_spencer is writing some really smart posts on writing. Go read her, writer-types. She is smart.

  • Stephen Fry envies me

    Oh, yeah, he envies me all right! Funny thing is, I envy him. “I don’t take another job. I don’t do anything. I go up to my house in the country and pull out all the plugs, virtually. I just do it nonstop until I’m finished. I envy writers who can write on planes and…