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Tag: writing

  • Peek Question Time

    benpeek is asking Five Questions, & here are the answers to mine. Over on his journal, all week, is interview week. I am not over there, I am here, because I don’t have anything to pimp at the moment. I am just home, writing & watching TV. You should check his blog out all week,…

  • Question Time

    Question: What are you if you fail to be a hack writer? Also: As an artist, are you required to live at the extreme edge of your art? That is, if you love heavy metal, & like to play heavy metal every Tuesday night at your local bar, are you still a heavy metal rocker…

  • Writing and Irritants

    This one rambles. At the Swancon panel on ‘staying creative’, Charles de Lint admitted he’d wanted to be a musician. The times weren’t right for the music he liked to play, however, so he went into writing. (You’ve heard of writing, right? Crazy little fallback gig that it is … ;). Both Terry Dowling and…

  • Writing & swimming & singing & more

    “When Anthony feels his own reason to stay, it is like swimming. And it is the rhythm of the swimming itself, not how far it takes him, that gives him certainty.” — Charlotte Wood, The Submerged Cathedral OK, not, ostensibly, a quote about writing, but it works that way for me. Also, it reminds me…

  • Writing and loneliness

    Quoting Neal Pollack (pollack_blog) who’s quoting Jonathan Safran Foer: “Why do I write? It’s not that I want people to think I am smart, or even that I am a good writer. I write because I want to end my loneliness.” — Jonathan Safran Foer The New York Times Magazine, 2-7-05. http://nealpollack.com/archives/2005/02/index.html#000258

  • Those crazy writer guys, they so crazy

    So I caught a couple of minutes of Law & Order: SVU this evening — enough to note that tonight’s murdering ‘psychopath’ (now THERE’S an overused word) was a rejected novelist. How do they know he’s a novelist? Why, when they pay a visit to his psychopathic den, he has wallpapered his apartment with rejection…

  • Writing and brain injury

    “Day-to-day tasks like making a cup of tea, cooking and remembering things still cause him problems. But despite this he has discovered a talent for writing.” Well, don’t I feel special.

  • Writing and drilling

    “There is no rule on how to write. Sometimes it comes easily and perfectly; sometimes it’s like drilling rock and then blasting it out with charges.” — Ernest Hemingway Of course Hemingway is an excellent writer. *Of course* he’s an influential writer. Possibly THE most influential writer. I can probably almost recite by heart that…

  • The Spaces In Between

    I was looking for this quote last night when I was thinking about Bill Henson: “The notes I handle no better than many pianists. But the pauses between the notes — ah, that is where the art resides.” — Artur Schnabel, pianist, (1882-1951) I like the idea that art is partly knowing when to leave…

  • Nebulous

    Well, the Nebulas are up all over the place, & it makes me wonder: how on EARTH do you choose which is the better script out of these movies? 1. The Incredibles, by Brad Bird (Pixar, Nov 2004) 2. The Butterfly Effect, by J. Mackye Gruber and Eric Bress (New Line Cinema, Jan 2004) 3.…