Hello, blogosphere!
I realised I was running behind, & my colleagues have already managed to post this news, but just in case you came here wondering if it’s true: yes, it’s true! ZEROES will be launched on the world in 8 months.
ZEROES is the first book in a trilogy about six superpowered teens who are so not heroes.
ZEROES is written by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan & me. Most people want to know how three such geniuses could possibly collaborate together without colossal ego damage. The answer: booze. No, the answer: we each took ownership of two characters, with Scott providing overall Showrunner (i.e. Lead Writer) responsibilities. I know! Fun, right?
The first book will be launching in the US, Canada & UK via Simon & Schuster, & in Australia with Allen & Unwin on 29-September 2015.
That is all I can tell you! The rest is a secret.
This post does not condone the use of booze in creative endeavours.
Scott blogged: http://scottwesterfeld.com/blog/2015/01/zeroes/
Then Margo blogged: http://amongamidwhile.blogspot.com.au/2015/02/the-zeroes-trilogywesterfeld-lanagan.html
2 responses to “Zeroes”
This is seriously exciting news – congratulations and I can’t wait to read the first book!
Thanks, Mark! I hope you like it. (I love it, but I may be biased.)