Category: writing
Edited out
*Apparently* — and I don’t quite believe it — editing is completed on A Book of Endings. I am heartily sick of everything I’ve ever written. On the plus side, nice to know I can endure a rapid editing phase (I remember Karen Miller telling the story of her worldcon adventure one year where she…
Ninety per cent
The window is replaced, the excitement has died down, I still can’t find anything missing from the house after last week’s uninvited visit. But now we have a motion-sensitive light over our backyard & a locksmith scheduled to make our internal door even more steadfast than it proved to be last week. (What a great…
Economical writing
Reading today about John Cheever: He wrote stories in his underpants, not to wear out his clothes. — Morris Lurie, The Big Issue, #331, 16-29 June, 2009 Which is the kind of detail that grabs your attention. “No one, absolutely no one, share his life with him.” This is Federico, Cheever’s younger son. “There was…
The week already feels long
Somewhere around the beginning of June I wondered why I was still receiving the April Poem-a-Day emails. Not that I’m complaining. I love getting a new poem every day. And today it was revealed: in honour of the 75th anniversary, this year the website sent SEVENTY-FIVE poems! My quote-a-day emails, however, from a…
Covering up
OK, so I’m getting a little obsessed with cover art (ever since Nick Stathopoulos turned in the fabulous A Book of Endings cover!). Yesterday I spent a couple hours staring at these sites: I also followed various links, finding myself in a world of cover debate. Including a link to a rant…
A Book of Endings gets a cover!
It’s here! Nick Stathopoulos has done something really special — and really quite different to his usual work — to create this striking, modern, urban cover. A far cry from his trademark surreal landscapes or beautiful portraits. I love it! Buy the book, get yourself a Nick Stathopoulos cover. There’ll be stuff inside, of course,…
That sly addiction?
Yay! For Will Self: I gain nothing but pleasure from writing fiction; short stories are foreplay, novellas are heavy petting – but novels are the full monte. Frankly, if I didn’t enjoy writing novels I wouldn’t do it – the world hardly needs any more and I can think of numerous more useful things someone…