Tag: funny
Deborah is
From lonewolf23: Type your name into google with the word “is” attached, thus: “Name is”. Return your ten favourite results. 10. Deborah is now booking for the 2003 season and beyond! 9. Deborah is pleased to see that there are bars on the hospital’s windows, but her parents … 8. Afterwards, Deborah is angry that…
deborah biancotti, Your ideal job is a Emperor of all the world. http://jobpredictor.com/ ‘Cept of course it should be *an* Emperor. Foolish little quiz thingy.
Just in case God turns out to be real
When you die, if you go somewhere where they ask you a bunch of questions about your life and what you learned and all, I think a good way to get out of it is just to say, ‘No speaka English.’ — Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts
Poetry Nerd Joke — the rest of you may skip this post
Via metaquotes: Poetic License phoebesmum: “Now I’ve tried the bread machine and had a certain level of success I can buy yeast – not ‘Yeats’, as I just typed – and strong flour and have a shot at doing things properly”. itzcoatl: “Yeah, I’ve tried using Yeats in place of yeast, but it makes lousy…
OK, now THIS is a shirt I want
Courtesy of robinpen: http://www.venganza.org/ (Catching up on my reading.)