Category: funny
It’s funky ass. Maybe it’s too funky ass. Maybe it’s really mizzy tizzle I deserve upside yo head
I’ve loved US slang ever since I saw LOST BOYS at age fifteen. I think there’s a scene where one of the cool vampire dudes says something like ‘chill out’ . And I thought, “Wow! Chill out! What a tops thing to say! Ace!” Or, I dunno, something to that effect. It’s struck me that’s…
Make My Bed In Hell
There is something wrong with this picture Yes, that’s correct, the archer on the cover of The Naked Archer isn’t actually naked. With thanks to Cat Sparks for the link. — P.S. There are just SO MANY possible comments I could’ve made I wasn’t sure where to begin.
And the hits just keep orrrrnnn comin’
Coincident to my discussion of the-glasses-I-do-not-need (see: yesterday), my web stats have clocked some people landing on my website as a result of a Google image search for my name. Firstly, I notice you don’t get much in the way of results using that method. I’m cool with that. Secondly, if ANYONE sends me pictures…
Smite, smite, smite!
You know that Larson cartoon where God is on his computer, & he’s got his finger over the smite button? I think he has the tremors: