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Category: funny

  • It’s funky ass. Maybe it’s too funky ass. Maybe it’s really mizzy tizzle I deserve upside yo head

    I’ve loved US slang ever since I saw LOST BOYS at age fifteen. I think there’s a scene where one of the cool vampire dudes says something like ‘chill out’ . And I thought, “Wow! Chill out! What a tops thing to say! Ace!” Or, I dunno, something to that effect. It’s struck me that’s…

  • Make My Bed In Hell

    There is something wrong with this picture Yes, that’s correct, the archer on the cover of The Naked Archer isn’t actually naked. http://community.middlebury.edu/~mobrien/covers/ With thanks to Cat Sparks for the link. — P.S. There are just SO MANY possible comments I could’ve made I wasn’t sure where to begin.

  • And the hits just keep orrrrnnn comin’

    Coincident to my discussion of the-glasses-I-do-not-need (see: yesterday), my web stats have clocked some people landing on my website as a result of a Google image search for my name. Firstly, I notice you don’t get much in the way of results using that method. I’m cool with that. Secondly, if ANYONE sends me pictures…

  • Smite, smite, smite!

    You know that Larson cartoon where God is on his computer, & he’s got his finger over the smite button? I think he has the tremors: http://community-2.webtv.net/Babajani1/MurphysLaw/index.html