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Category: Uncategorized

  • Scattered thoughts

    They’re remaking Total Recall? That terrifies me: just how long ago WAS Total Recall, & is it ironic I can’t actually remember? There’s a kind of sweet, bitter relief in reaching an age where your first response to unjust criticism is a kind of ‘who gives a fuck’, even if the person outranks you by…

  • Pastafarian headwear

    An Austrian has won the right to be photographed wearing a pasta strainer for his driving licence on the grounds of religious freedom. Be free, my brother!  

  • Architectural examination of the latest Batman poster

    Yes. I wasn’t kidding. There’s other stuff, too, in the original article on the poster. But the architecture bit’s the most fun. Ah, Batman. Thank god you’re here … to save us from those insipid brethren of yours, Superman & that awful Spiderman*.   —– * The film Spiderman only. The comics books rock!

  • Writers across the wires

    I was pretty intrigued by this post from Mary Robinette Kowal’s re. using Google+ as a writers’ hangout. I love this idea. Plus, it’s the only interesting thing I’ve heard about Google+ so far. It also reminded me of two other stories I’ve heard recently of writers connecting, despite geography or other conflicting needs: 1. Maxine…

  • Where I’m at today

    Today I’m at Angela Slatter’s fab blog, The bones remember everything, answering a drive-by round of questions. Also, Twelfth Planet Press has announced my short story suite, BAD POWER, as #4 in the Twelve Planets series. Sez the Press via Twitter, “Biancotti explores use & abuse of power. Hers are supernatural but highlight how ordinary people…

  • Doll? Or just Dull?

    I’m trying to work out what’s bugging me about Dollhouse. Apart from the whole high-tech whorehouse aspect of it all.   Okay, that does bug me, & okay, I’m several years late on Dollhouse. This is because I started watching it 3 times & found it, frankly, bland. And really the only reason I’ve succeeded…

  • Over at Galactic Chat

    Hey, at Galactic Chat, Alisa Krasnostein and I are deep in conversation. (I was going to say we ‘chew the fat’, but couldn’t bear the inadvertent rhyming.) Pretty sure we chatted for about 2 hours. The podcast is somewhat shorter than that, but I suspect that’s because Alisa edited out all the foul language …

  • Soul making

    “To follow Story is to under-stand the  path of  healing.  Each of our stories is a universe.  Each one of us  is living a story.  To  discover its  shape and essence is essential to  soul making.” — Deena Metzger

  • McKee & me

    One marvellous thing I did for myself recently was buy membership of Robert McKee’s one-day Thriller seminar in Melbourne. As far back as – I think – 2004 I did a similar trip, heading to Melbourne for McKee’s Horror seminar. It was the most invigorating day of story I had that year and for possibly…

  • July, oh my

    Hello! I know it’s not traditional to start a blog post with ‘hello’ & looking at it now, it looks just like spam. But it seemed such a long time since I’d posted that a greeting wouldn’t hurt, maybe even a re-introduction. (Though introductions are hard: the more I write, I swear the less interesting…