Tag: worldcon
Oh, yeah, there was a WorldCon
I’ve never successfully managed a con report that did the con any justice, & this will be no exception. But I do want to list some of the highlights of a busy Melbourne weekend: * Best highlight ever #1: after not really thinking through the consequence of volunteering for a book signing, I ended up…
Next week in Melbourne, apart from copious eating of Melbourne food & some drinking (less so on the drinking; my liver is lonely without my gallbladder), I’ll be wandering about WorldCon trying not to think about how much time has passed since the LAST AussieCon in Melbourne’s Southbank Convention area. There’s a weird bitter sweetness…
Speaking of WorldCon
Looks like I’ll have at least 3 pieces of fiction launched at WorldCon: * “Home Turf” in Gillian Polack’s CULTURAL BAGGAGE anthology * “No Going Home” in Alisa Krasnostein’s SPRAWL anthology * My first novella, a contemporary urban fantasy in Mark Deniz’ ISHTAR anthology. Not sure the pieces from Kaaron Warren, Cat Sparks and myself…