Tag: writer
Economical writing
Reading today about John Cheever: He wrote stories in his underpants, not to wear out his clothes. — Morris Lurie, The Big Issue, #331, 16-29 June, 2009 Which is the kind of detail that grabs your attention. “No one, absolutely no one, share his life with him.” This is Federico, Cheever’s younger son. “There was…
Why today & not tomorrow?
“Suicides have already betrayed the body.” — Anne Sexton, Wanting to Die Today’s subject line was prompted by girliejones in our discussions on the suicide of Hunter S. Thompson. How do you pick a day to die? Not just die. How do you pick a day to inflict irrevocable violence on yourself? How do you…
Never understanding
But suicides have a special language. Like carpenters they want to know which tools. They never ask why build. — Anne Sexton, Wanting to Die http://www.poets.org/poems/poems.cfm?45442B7C000C07050E70 Thankfully, I want most to know ‘why build’. Thief — how did you crawl into, crawl down alone into the death I wanted so badly and for so long,…