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Tag: writer

  • Economical writing

    Reading today about John Cheever: He wrote stories in his underpants, not to wear out his clothes. — Morris Lurie, The Big Issue, #331, 16-29 June, 2009 Which is the kind of detail that grabs your attention. “No one, absolutely no one, share his life with him.” This is Federico, Cheever’s younger son. “There was…

  • Why today & not tomorrow?

    “Suicides have already betrayed the body.” — Anne Sexton, Wanting to Die Today’s subject line was prompted by girliejones in our discussions on the suicide of Hunter S. Thompson. How do you pick a day to die? Not just die. How do you pick a day to inflict irrevocable violence on yourself? How do you…

  • Never understanding

    But suicides have a special language. Like carpenters they want to know which tools. They never ask why build. — Anne Sexton, Wanting to Die http://www.poets.org/poems/poems.cfm?45442B7C000C07050E70 Thankfully, I want most to know ‘why build’. Thief — how did you crawl into, crawl down alone into the death I wanted so badly and for so long,…