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Category: Uncategorized

  • Blog: the Goodreads giveaway

    Man, I love giveaways – especially giveaways from Goodreads. My book, BAD POWER (which is now, apparently, a Real Book) is now available as a giveaway. Enter to win. And if you don’t win, you can still buy it direct from the publisher at Twelfth Planet Press. In other news, the non-Amazon version of CLOCKWORK…

  • Blog: In my absence, much happened

    I’m back! WFC was great, Peter Beagle was absolutely charming, & the Mexican food was exceptional – especially at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, where I was lucky enough to spend an evening with editor Danel Olson & some of the writers from TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY GOTHIC. AND bunch of stuff happened back home in my absence. F’instance:…

  • Off to WFC, for me

    Thanks for paying attention during the Burnout series. I enjoyed that so much I’m already devising questions for another Blog Briefs tour. That ‘one paragraph’ mandate made for some great reading – & inspired writing. Don’t yer love when a constraint becomes a creative coup? Tomorrow I travel back in time to the other side…

  • Blog Briefs: On Burnout, the wrap party

    Burnout happens when people who have previously been highly committed to a job lose all interest and motivation. [snip] It mainly strikes highly-committed, passionate, hard working and successful people – and it therefore holds a special fear for those who care passionately about their careers and about the work they do.   When I started this…

  • Blog Briefs: On Burnout, with Steph Swainston

    In which a bunch of authors & editors are invited to answer the question: How do you deal with creative exhaustion? This series was initially inspired by an article on author Steph Swainston’s willing exit from her two-book deal. Swainston didn’t pinpoint burnout as the reason for leaving her writing ‘day job’, but her answers sounded…

  • Blog Briefs: On Burnout, with Rob Hood

    In which a bunch of authors & editors are invited to answer the question: How do you deal with creative exhaustion? Author Rob Hood once told me to aim for just one sentence a day. It’s often achievable even in the most desperate state, & it can lead to much more.   If you’ve got a…

  • Blog Briefs: On Burnout, with Chris Lawson

    In which a bunch of authors & editors are invited to answer the question: How do you deal with creative exhaustion? Author Chris Lawson explains how his stories are so good (and rare): passion.   Creative exhaustion is my default mode. In recent years the only reliable way I have broken through is to have an…

  • Blog Briefs: On Burnout, with Garth Nix

    In which a bunch of authors & editors are invited to answer the question: How do you deal with creative exhaustion? In certain writing circles dedicated to professionalism & achievement, there’s a question we use to test ourselves. The question is ‘What would Garth do?’   When I have tapped out the reservoir that is my…

  • Blog Briefs: On Burnout, with Kaaron Warren

    In which a bunch of authors & editors are invited to answer the question: How do you deal with creative exhaustion? Kaaron Warren is a powerhouse writer. Still, I find her solution to burnout extreme!   I rarely suffer from creative burnout, and I think the reason is because, with a couple of kids, writing time…

  • Blog Briefs: On Burnout, with Hal Duncan

    In which a bunch of authors & editors are invited to answer the question: How do you deal with creative exhaustion? My first World Fantasy Convention, Hal Duncan stood out as vivacious, charming & well, crazed. Thank god he hasn’t changed. A lot of the time the burnout I get is project-specific, so I’ll just jump…