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Category: weird

  • What went down in San Jose

    First morning in San Jose I was woken by conversation in the corridor. One side of a conversation, anyhow. Someone calling ‘Security!’ at the door of — thankfully — another room. Nothing for a while after that as they went inside, then as they came back I heard them say they’d put a call into…

  • The Disappearance of Richard Ridyard

    I’ve been checking back in with Angel Zapata’s blog for more news of our plagiarist friend, Richard Ridyard, & by now I’ve learned: * Richard Ridyard is the name of a deceased journalist, who — if he had any kind of professional integrity — must be rolling in his grave to see his reputation sullied…

  • I must be famous now

    In today’s exciting news, apparently I’ve been plagiarised. A man called Angel has alerted me to the theft by a man called Ridyard who apparently is a co-founder of a business called Valentine Publications. Proving that reality can confer upon you the need to write sentences that are more bizarre than any fiction. Angel Zapata…

  • “It looks like Mars out there.”

    Six o’clock in the morning, that’s what my roomie said. Didn’t understand what he meant. He was right.

  • Watch out for the elbow

    Now that editing is done I can return to the myriad open browser tabs I’ve been saving for future reading for months. Most recently, an article on the world’s only poisonous primate: the slow loris. (Who names these things?!) Sez the Herald, Its venom is stored in an elbow patch. When it is feeling threatened,…

  • Drowned in red wine

    I love a good conspiracy theory, & here’s one I’ve never come across before: Jimi Hendrix killed by his manager, Michael Jeffrey. Actually, it’s probably wrong to call this a ‘good’ conspiracy. Good conspiracies don’t end up with wildly talented musicians dead. Remember that whole Paul McCartney is dead conspiracy theory? Now, that’s a good…