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Category: writing

  • Chastised

    One of the opportunities A Book of Endings created was the chance to get my writing in front of a wider audience. To see what the rest of the world might think. The Australian genre scene is so warm & welcoming that I’d grown suspicious of the kind words occasionally attributed to my work in…

  • And in today’s unusual discoveries…

    … turns out you can still buy Redsine #7, edited by Trent Jamieson & Garry Nurrish, from about 2002. I loved Redsine and always wished it had continued for longer. It was a classy zine, and short (a good characteristic for a zine, imho: one-sitting-reading always scores well with me). And I love it not…

  • Readers and writers and short stories

    Honestly? I got into short stories because it seemed like a good way to learn to write. It’s become much more than that, of course, but I’ve not paused very often to think about what place they do have for me, and further what place they have for readers. I’ve been surprised by the amount…

  • A brief delay

    I made it. With the emailing of the full draft of my 21st Century Gothic essay on NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN, I’m done. That’s it. I’ve met my deadlines for 2009. Which is remarkable because for a while there I thought I wasn’t going to make it. (I think I made it by going…

  • Now you can hear the Hush

    Over at Terra Incognita, my story Hush is now online as a podcast — AND coming soon to iTunes. Double the Hush! This time we don’t get the whiskey tones of Nick Evans, I’m afraid. The author has to read her own stories at Terra Incognita. Must be part of that whole global economic crisis…

  • Balancing day and er, not day

    I’ve had some shitty day jobs. There was the mortgage-processing job, where the boss was at great pains on day 1 to tell me about the culture of ‘no blame, only teamwork’. And two months in when I uncovered an error that had been made with some mortgage cheques, he tried to guilt-trip me about…

  • The books are in!

    For anyone waiting on a copy of A Book of Endings from last week’s launch (where we ran out of books), the box has arrived! Distribution is imminent. I’m off to the World Fantasy Con in a little over a week, though, so we might have to make this quick. May have to be a…

  • Signed over

    A huge thank-you to the people who came to the launch of A Book of Endings yesterday. NG Gallery put on a damn classy show (the catering was so artfully done most people actually *mistook* it for art), & the crowd was cheerful & kind & wonderful. I was blown away by the number of…

  • Sydney launch reminder

    A reminder for anyone who’s free this Saturday afternoon (and also, in the vicinity of Sydney), that A Book of Endings will be launching locally: 3pm Saturday 10 October NG Art Gallery Upstairs at 3 Little Queen St Chippendale NSW 2008 (about 2 bus stops from Central Station or a 10-minute walk) Launch MC: Margo…

  • The Disappearance of Richard Ridyard

    I’ve been checking back in with Angel Zapata’s blog for more news of our plagiarist friend, Richard Ridyard, & by now I’ve learned: * Richard Ridyard is the name of a deceased journalist, who — if he had any kind of professional integrity — must be rolling in his grave to see his reputation sullied…