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Tag: story

  • Waking in Winter give-away!

    To celebrate my guest post on Mary Robinette Kowal‘s My Favorite Bit series AND the recent Kindle eBook launch of Waking in Winter on Amazon, I’ve launched a giveaway! ONE hardcover copy of Waking in Winter will be available *worldwide*. That’s right. You could be anywhere, & I’ll post you a book. I’ll even sign…

  • Another Waking in Winter update

    In news today, my SF Signal guest post is LIVE! Whereupon I wax lyrical (or not) about the setting for a sorely under-appreciated little telemovie called A Cold Night’s Death–& various other tangentially related thoughts around the topic of icy, remote research stations in fiction. Also today, the first reader review is LIVE! Stephanie Gunn…

  • Two quick WiW updates

    Two updates for my novella Waking in Winter (WiW, for those in the know): The latest PS Publishing newsletter links to a video interview I did about Waking in Winter. Please admire the warm red wall of my loungeroom! I broke my camera tripod setting this up, so I can’t watch the video without feeling…

  • Winter is Coming

    Okay, first I steal the title of my new novella, Waking in Winter, from Sylvia Plath. THEN I steal the title of this post from Game of Thrones. Have I no shame*?! Next week I’ll share the opening paragraphs of Waking in Winter on the blog. But first, I wanted to remind you that the…

  • Soul making

    “To follow Story is to under-stand the  path of  healing.  Each of our stories is a universe.  Each one of us  is living a story.  To  discover its  shape and essence is essential to  soul making.” — Deena Metzger

  • McKee & me

    One marvellous thing I did for myself recently was buy membership of Robert McKee’s one-day Thriller seminar in Melbourne. As far back as – I think – 2004 I did a similar trip, heading to Melbourne for McKee’s Horror seminar. It was the most invigorating day of story I had that year and for possibly…