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Tag: a book of endings

  • Spring in the step

    Spring is a crazy time. Not just because of odd things like dust storms, but also because spring is when I want to do EVERYTHING at once. I want to write and read and paint and sing and watch great cinema and scour my brain of all the ideas it has spinning around inside. Today…

  • Next stage: promotion

    Years back, when I was clearly more of an optimist than I am now, I started collecting links on ‘promoting your book’. Just the links, not the articles, because I didn’t want to fill up my computer with useless words. And now that I have a book, of course all those links are out of…

  • Hurrahs!

    A quick update because I have to do some novel writing tonight, but wanted to say hurrah! and thanks! to all the people who came to the very first launch of my very first book, A Book of Endings at Cabinet Bar over the Continuum weekend in Melbourne. I’m not sure if it was the…

  • At which point does it become real?

    It’s here. Well, not here. It’s in Perth, but it’s also (hopefully) on its way to Melbourne for launch during the Continuum weekend. It’s A Book of Endings & it looks like this (byo cute puppy). So at 5:15pm on Saturday 15 August, it will (hopefully) be launched at Cabinet, 11 Rainbow Alley, a 3-minute…

  • Soooooooo….

    An update! Firstly, my program items for Continuum include just one confirmed very cool, event: Reading with Sean Williams! Sunday 2.00pm Sun Sphere Yes, reading WITH Sean, who graciously agreed to my cunning plan to avoid reading my own stuff. The idea was planted in my head years back by Simon Brown, who listened sympathetically…

  • Edited out

    *Apparently* — and I don’t quite believe it — editing is completed on A Book of Endings. I am heartily sick of everything I’ve ever written. On the plus side, nice to know I can endure a rapid editing phase (I remember Karen Miller telling the story of her worldcon adventure one year where she…

  • Booked

    In my (new & ongoing) obsession with book production, I’m interested to find out about this publishing house via Jeff VanderMeer’s blog: Write Bloody Publishing. They proclaim: “We are proud of our unique style by utilizing modern painters, photographers and rock album designers for all our book cover art.” Of course, they publish only American…

  • Covering up

    OK, so I’m getting a little obsessed with cover art (ever since Nick Stathopoulos turned in the fabulous A Book of Endings cover!). Yesterday I spent a couple hours staring at these sites: http://www.thebookdesignreview.com http://shelvedbooks.blogspot.com http://henryseneyee.blogspot.com I also followed various links, finding myself in a world of cover debate. Including a link to a rant…

  • A Book of Endings gets a cover!

    It’s here! Nick Stathopoulos has done something really special — and really quite different to his usual work — to create this striking, modern, urban cover. A far cry from his trademark surreal landscapes or beautiful portraits. I love it! Buy the book, get yourself a Nick Stathopoulos cover. There’ll be stuff inside, of course,…