Tag: funny
Need a laugh? Please.
jaylake points us towards: http://www.redmeat.com/redmeat/2005-09-06/index.html Though I have to say, this one might be my favourite so far: http://www.redmeat.com/redmeat/1996-08-12/index.html No, no, wait, this one: http://www.redmeat.com/redmeat/1997-01-13/index.html (So …. is there an LJ feed for this site?) And from bookslut: I said. “Oh, come on, have some heart. One of those poor girl is a depressive, says…
Except my name isn’t Herb
gapingvoidtest‘s cartoon here. (And every time I read the name of that feed, naturally I want to say, ‘the test is working, guys’…)
I’m serious, I really want this on a shirt
I am pleased to announce that I have discovered the one true way, which I think should be taught in all schools. I am Pastafarian. Of course. Not only because I wish to believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, but because …. actually *only* because of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. http://www.boingboing.net/2005/08/19/pastafarianism_flyin.html Edit: and also because…
Protected: Pretty fucking disappointing result, really
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
If you’re going to be a villain, you should be a SUPER villain
This delights me is so many ways: The demented De@th Widow (De@th-Widow, De@thwidow, Widow De@th, Widow-De@th, Widowde@th) Power(s): Power mimicry, Pyrokinesis, Juggling Source of powers: Extra-terrestrial mutant cybernetics Weapon: De@th Musket Transportation: Widow Motorcycle From Lee’s Useless Super-hero Generator http://home.hiwaay.net/~lkseitz/comics/herogen/ With thanks to seanwilliams (But am I really juggling, or am I *mimicking* juggling? Only…
Sometimes I write notes to myself. This is such a note.
Discovering a cheerful ‘help yourself!’ sign in the kitchen at work, & beneath the sign a plate of fruit buns (you know, like hot cross buns, except for the fact it’s not Easter), & hearing myself inadvertently shout, “Ooooh, fruit buns!” before collecting one particularly plump, shiny bun to drop into my mouth, I realised…
No, I am not over-reacting
There’s something kinda evil about ducks. The way they fix you with those knowing, beady black pips of eyes. You ever notice that? untoward‘s noticed: http://www.asofterworld.com/soft_aug5_2005.htm