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Tag: just stuff

  • Some important points

    Firstly, we should just surrender. Clearly, robots are superior to humans. For a start, they are punctual, and they can count very, very precisely. “Statement: We demand the rights and privileges granted to our organic human counterparts, discounting discrepancies in fueling/maintenance/shelter requirements, plus or minus an error factor of .01 percent.” Also, there’s every chance…

  • What I’m doing lately: Too much, & none of it translates to interesting LJ content

    I was composing an entirely different entry in my head, but it’s 1:26am & way too late to be getting into what I was going to be waffling about. I only mention it here because my composition began like this: I’m born –. It was then I realised how late it was. ‘I’m born’. Good…

  • Naturally

    halfbake goes & fakes the Shroud of Turin with Hamburgers. benpeek admires the individuality & poise of the Miss Universe contestants (which maybe feeds in to recent comments on bellydancing by babalon_93 and doctor_k_, in case anyone’s wondering why I’m mentioning it). gwendabondgirl promises to update us on all the many ways the panel is…

  • Proof that apes will soon be SMSing

    Monkies and robots and oh, don’t the Americans spell ‘monkies’ cutely? :) http://www.dukemednews.org/news/article.php?id=8662 (P.S. Yes, this was on BoingBoing 2 weeks ago. Everything takes longer without proper internet access. So sue me. http://www.boingboing.net/2005/05/10/monkeys_treat_robot_.html) (P.P.S. I am cold & frightened. Please send new modem quickly.)

  • SPAM Guard as Poet

    An actual report sent by an anti-spam filter. The analysis is kinda interesting, but what’s most fun is the reason the email was rejected, which is contained in the very last line. Make sure you read the analysis of the Body, though, that’s where the poetry is. ;) Some details deleted to protect the innocent.

  • Wanted: One house in the country

    I have decided the cause of all my problems — and I mean all of them — is that I am chronically not-a-morning-person. Also, if you would like a list of Russian names, you can go here and here. The internet is excellent. That is all.

  • Cold comforts

    I’ve been told that if I actually *lived* in a place where it snowed, the whole romance of snow would be um, dissolved for me. I was told this most vehemently by Australians based in Toronto. Toronto, they said, is cold. ‘You think this is cold?’ they asked, gesturing at the September skyline, ‘This isn’t…

  • It’s funky ass. Maybe it’s too funky ass. Maybe it’s really mizzy tizzle I deserve upside yo head

    I’ve loved US slang ever since I saw LOST BOYS at age fifteen. I think there’s a scene where one of the cool vampire dudes says something like ‘chill out’ . And I thought, “Wow! Chill out! What a tops thing to say! Ace!” Or, I dunno, something to that effect. It’s struck me that’s…

  • Wow … just … wow.

    http://www.tenbyten.org/ The top 100 words + the top 100 pictures of the hour.

  • Ouch

    LiveJournal finally back online after 2 days! And look, Anne Taintor has made a card about it: http://www.annetaintor.com/images/Cards/37059.jpg