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Tag: convention

  • Thanking the Ditmar Crew!

    Life is funny. Sometimes it hands you opportunities you never considered would come your way. Opportunities that seem to exist in another realm, for other people. People who probably do this kinda thing all the time, or at the very least have some kinda background in it. But instead the opportunity has come to you.…

  • Continuum panel wrap: Writing diversely

    I was lucky enough to convene the Continuum panel on Writing Diverse Genders, Sexualities and Cultures with Trudi Canavan, Louise Cusack & Gillian Polack. Chatting to some audience members later in the bar, we agreed we probably needed something more like 4 hours than 1. So to cover off all the stuff we DIDN’T get…

  • Continuum schedule

    Like many of you, I’ll be at Continuum in Melbourne this week: Writing Different Genders, Sexualities And Cultures Friday 18:00 until Friday 19:00 (60 Minutes) Twelfth Planet Press Hour Friday 19:00 until Friday 20:00 (60 Minutes) I Don’t Get It! Friday 21:00 until Friday 22:00 (60 Minutes) Book Launch: Ishtar, edited by Amanda Pillar &…

  • Blog: In my absence, much happened

    I’m back! WFC was great, Peter Beagle was absolutely charming, & the Mexican food was exceptional – especially at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, where I was lucky enough to spend an evening with editor Danel Olson & some of the writers from TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY GOTHIC. AND bunch of stuff happened back home in my absence. F’instance:…

  • Off to WFC, for me

    Thanks for paying attention during the Burnout series. I enjoyed that so much I’m already devising questions for another Blog Briefs tour. That ‘one paragraph’ mandate made for some great reading – & inspired writing. Don’t yer love when a constraint becomes a creative coup? Tomorrow I travel back in time to the other side…

  • Oh, yeah, there was a WorldCon

    I’ve never successfully managed a con report that did the con any justice, & this will be no exception. But I do want to list some of the highlights of a busy Melbourne weekend: * Best highlight ever #1: after not really thinking through the consequence of volunteering for a book signing, I ended up…

  • AussieCon

    Next week in Melbourne, apart from copious eating of Melbourne food & some drinking (less so on the drinking; my liver is lonely without my gallbladder), I’ll be wandering about WorldCon trying not to think about how much time has passed since the LAST AussieCon in Melbourne’s Southbank Convention area. There’s a weird bitter sweetness…

  • Bagged

    Am in the eye of the storm on teh novel (aka BROKEN). Have just finished the BIGGEST edit so far, but I know it’s not the last. So I’m trying to relax & giving myself a few days off writing entirely. The effect of not-writing is to make me feel stressed & — according to…

  • Conflux 2011

    Is there anyone out there who is or might be involved with next year’s Conflux? Would you mind emailing me at deborahb AT livejournal DOT com? Tah! Edit: got it, thanks. :)

  • Culturally worthwhile day

    Body didn’t know, last night, if it was sleepy or awake. So alternated between the two states at random, testing them out. Asleep at 11pm, awake at 1am, 2am, 3am, 4… asleep at 9am, 10am… You see the pattern. Spent the night going to the window, burningly alert, staring out at the city. ‘Can’t wait…