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Tag: useless

  • So much love to give

    Check out bestweekever‘s Wednesday Morning Quick Hits over here. Nudity and hot sauce. Two things that should never be combined. I am tired. It took me forever to write ‘Wednesday’ just then & I’m still not sure I got it right. (Also, it is now officially Thursday, & for reasons I find marginally obscure I…

  • I die, therefore I am?

    Just because gillpolack got me thinking about life & death, here’s one of my favourite quotes: Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. — Gilbert Keith Chesterton

  • Linkity-split

    chork — v. (chork) — to make the sound shoes make with water in them. (Thanks, capnoblivious.) And BTW, I LOVE this weather. I hadn’t even noticed the absence of rain in Sydney until the news reports started blah blah blahing about water restrictions, but now that classic Sydney rain is back, I’ve realised how…

  • Also, I’ll have mega-strength and really great hair

    From overheardnyc: Professor: In 10 years, I want to have just been released from jail. I lived in a 5×5 cell, but I’m really fit ’cause I learned Pilates. I’m also an expert in the tango. I practiced in jail by myself, of course, but once I find a girl to dance with I’ll be…

  • Paris in the Springtime

    Paris Hilton is set to marry her boyfriend, Paris Latsis. It’s like a double latte, only with Parises. Ohmygod, that’s so beautiful. If I met a man with my name I would totally marry him. Except, wait, that would be really, like, weird. You know how hard it was to find that link? I had…

  • Naturally, there’s a lot to catch up on

    Starting with: http://showdown.contagiousmedia.org/ In an era where the proliferation of information has been accelerated through technological advancement and the Internet, how do people decide what information they will share with others? Contagious Media explores this question in an exhibition of recent projects developed specifically to quickly spread socio-political messages through the digital equivalent of “word…

  • And this is fantastic, BTW.

    Zombies. Good for shootin’ and … shootin’. http://artscool.cfa.cmu.edu/~lee/deanimator.html

  • The internet keeps getting cooler

    I have just followed Seth Godin’s advice & now I feel like a god: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2005/03/watching_the_bl.html So I built a few Technorati watchlist items and I created myself a bloglines account & now I can stay up-to-date with everything that’s going on in the world, including all my buddies’ blogs — even those of you not…

  • Protected: Thoth Tarot — Too Good to Resist

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.