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Category: news

  • Zeroes

    Hello, blogosphere! I realised I was running behind, & my colleagues have already managed to post this news, but just in case you came here wondering if it’s true: yes, it’s true! ZEROES will be launched on the world in 8 months. ZEROES is the first book in a trilogy about six superpowered teens who…

  • An update on the publishing year so far

    Hello blogosphere! Here’s what’s been happening in publishing land so far this year for my stories: Ticonderoga Press has announced the Table of Contents for the YEAR’S BEST AUSTRALIAN FANTASY AND HORROR 2013, & my story All the Lost Ones is being reprinted. All the Lost Ones is set in nineteenth century Venice, because I…

  • I’m actually updating my website

    I’m updating my site! It’s been sooooo long since I’ve updated my site, I’ve almost forgotten how. If you find anything on the site that’s weird, wrong, or inadvertently funny, would you mind contacting me to let me know? I think the contact page still works. In the meantime, I’m mostly on Twitter. I’ve also…

  • Hush now

    This blog has been quiet for a while–because I’m busy writing. And somehow that leaves me with nothing much else to say. Meanwhile, I’ll be doing some functionality updates in the background. Results may be unpredictable. You can still mostly find me on Twitter.

  • Locus Spotlight

    Locus interviewed yours truly a few weeks back, and the spotlight is now up online. ‘Yours truly’ means me, btw. Do people still use ‘yours truly’. In other recent news, my novella sale to PS Publishing (as reported in the recent PS Publishing news which I cannot identify online) is due for publication in early…

  • Exotic Gothic 5: pre-orderable and pretty amazing

    Let me be up-front and say: this blog post exists solely to show off the awesome covers and awesome contents of Exotic Gothic 5, available in TWO BIG VOLUMES OF GOTHIC GOODNESS available for pre-order from PS Publishing. Buy Volume 1, Volume 2, or both in a slipcase. And hurry, because this may well be…

  • Awesome gift from the Shirley Jackson Awards admin

    A surprise arrived in the post today: the Shirley Jackson Award administration sent me a commemorative token & a copy of the Shirley Jackson Award Ceremony programme. The awards were handed out in July at ReaderCon, & Elizabeth Hand ably won the Novella section where my ISHTAR novella featured. The list of winners also includes Sheri…

  • In preparation for Melbourne Writers’ Festival

    … and with the generous assistance of Twelfth Planet Press’s resident designer, Amanda Rainey, I made bookmarks. If you’d like a bookmark of your very own – and I can’t blame you, they’re adorable – make sure you come to the Twelfth Planet launch Sunday 26th August, 5:30pm at the Yarra Building, Federation Square, Melbourne.…

  • In which I make it into the Shirley Jackson Award list

    Yesterday I woke up to the realisation my headcold hadn’t gone away after all. Then the bf cursed me for making him sick, too. And that would’ve been about all that happened that day if the cats hadn’t needed feeding (I hear if you lie still too long, cats will start in on your face…

  • Spineless Wonderful

    Spineless Wonders is a handsome website that ‘stands up for Australian short stories’! It’s new, so there’s not a lot of content, but there is a lot of promise. There’s a cool article about the history of the Oz short story. Interesting to hear about the shift from ‘bush stories’ to urban stories. (Ahhhh, bush…