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Tag: convention

  • Arrival: SF (‘Frisco, that is)

    Seriously, San Francisco is in good shape. The weather is perfect (I thought I was being optimistic packing t-shirts, but no. Turns out I was being pessimistic packing jeans). The Mexican is superb, especially from Hair of the Dog Cantina. The wander through Columbus Avenue, into City Lights Bookstore & that place that lets you…

  • My WFC schedule

    On Saturday, 10am, I’ll be chairing this panel at the World Fantasy Convention: Why Steampunk Now? Steampunk is not only hugely popular right now but it is also a bit of an oddity in that it is simultaneously a literary sub-genre, a style of fashion, and a social movement. What interests and cultural concerns is…

  • Upside (the head, mostly)

    On a day which can only be described as ‘on the cruddier side of cruddy’, I discovered that Dexter Season 4 is even darker than previous seasons. It unnerved me so much that at least one point I had to stop eating my dinner. … Hurrah! I also discovered, in the mail, my custom-made 2010…

  • Confluxing

    While I think of it, I’ll partly be at Conflux this weekend, but have only signed up for the Mass Book Signing so far (in case anyone wants A Book of Endings signed! I mean, remember: they’re easier to eBay without the signature, right?). Working part-time has limited my financial ability to partake of cons…

  • Soooooooo….

    An update! Firstly, my program items for Continuum include just one confirmed very cool, event: Reading with Sean Williams! Sunday 2.00pm Sun Sphere Yes, reading WITH Sean, who graciously agreed to my cunning plan to avoid reading my own stuff. The idea was planted in my head years back by Simon Brown, who listened sympathetically…

  • And then

    Continuum 3. Hilarity ensued. Neil Gaiman said he’d been lucky to have worked in comics, because ‘people mistook a form for a genre’, and so — in comics — he could get away with doing anything he wanted & nobody noticed (& Jack Dann threw in, ‘yeah, nobody noticed, and then you revolutionised how it…

  • Do do that voodoo that you do so well

    Conflux 2 (Conflux Redux, to its friends) was excellent, as usual. ;) Its big brother, Conflux 1, is still my absolute favourite con ever, & there were only 2 things that made this year’s con not quite on par with last year’s: 1. food poisoning. I got food poisoning & missed the masquerade/farewell. Missing the…

  • I haven’t seen a news report in a week, no wonder I’m in a good mood

    Back from Swancon & — as Bill Bailey would say — “hilarity ensued”. Having left little Monkey-Dog, the cat, in the care of house-sitters (really cat-sitters, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings by saying that out loud), I have come home to discover Monkey has crucial information she wishes to impart. Sadly, she…